Communications & Marketing

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Communications & Marketing

The Communications & Marketing Department coordinates the Institute’s market research, marketing strategy, sales, advertising, promotion, pricing, and public relations activities. The department is divided into three units namely; Marketing/Sales Unit, Public Relations Unit, and Multimedia Unit.

The Marketing/Sales Unit

The Marketing/Sales Unit directs the Institute’s advertising and promotional campaign working with a competent team to generate ideas for the campaign, oversee a creative staff that develops the advertising, and working with the finance department to prepare a budget and cost estimates for the campaign.

The unit directs promotion programs that combine advertising with purchasing incentives to increase sales. Often, the programs are executed through the use of pullouts in newspapers, advertisements, in-store displays, product endorsements, participation in exhibitions and website updates. Purchasing incentives may include discounts, samples, gifts, rebates, coupons, sweepstakes, and contests.

The Unit also directs the distribution of the product or service to the customer. They assign sales territories, set sales goals, and establish training programs for the incubatees sales representatives. We also advise the sales representatives on ways to improve their sales performance.

The Public Relations unit

The Public Relations unit plans and directs public relations programs designed to create and maintain a favorable public image for the Institute through press releases and sponsorship of corporate events. It also helps to clarify the Institutes’ point of view to its main constituency.

In addition, we handle internal communications, such as newsletters, reports, arranging interviews, and maintaining other forms of public awareness; and respond to requests for information. We also handle special events, such as launches, parties, meetings, conferences/ workshops, hospitalities or other activities that the Institute supports in order to gain public attention through the press without advertising directly.

The Multimedia Unit

The Multimedia Unit is charged with the duty of making creative designs, video coverage and photography for the Institute and its clients. The outputs from the unit are designs of logos, brochures, calendars, reports, banners, labels, documentaries, training videos, event coverage’s among others. This unit is a support facility to the marketing and PR units.

Uganda Industrial research Institute

The Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), under the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Cooperatives, specializes in value addition, product development, process design, technology sourcing, machinery fabrication, managing processing plants, SME outreach, and business incubation.

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